Affectionately known as The PhDiva!!!, Dr. April is a classically trained soprano with a PhD from Harvard. Her “delightfully readable” book, The Tenth Muse: How Maria Antonia Advanced the Pastoral Opera debuted at #1, and is an international best-seller. Although she grew up taking vitamins and doing yoga, only during her doctoral studies did she begin her holistic wellness journey in earnest, in order to heal from stress-induced weight gain, depression, and tendonitis. The “Decade of Awfulness” following graduate school took her further along this path, leading to encounters with her guardian angel, Madison Hatta, Sonneteer, with whom she continues to collaborate in creating poetry and Wonderland-inspired Whimsical Things. She expands people’s horizons with uncommon knowledge so that they become happier and healthier. Dr. April's key topics are music, holistic wellness and Alice in Wonderland.