Unique and Original Presentations

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Be Well The ALICE Way 

In a topsy-turvy world, “adulting” can be stressful. In this interactive presentation, Dr. April shares simple, effective and fun ways for adults to recover their natural childlike resilience and joy in order to surmount life’s challenges.

There is a talk and "playshop" for each letter: A = Awe + AuthenticiTEA
L = Love + LeviTEA
I = Inspiration + ImpossibiliTEA
C = Courage + ClariTEA
E = Exercise + ExpressiviTEA

The Extraordinarily Creative and Inspiring Maria Antonia of Saxony
You don't have to be a professional artist in order to be considered one of the most creative and inspiring figures of your time. Journey with Dr. April to 18th-century Germany to meet the composer, poet, singer, politician and patron of the arts, Princess Maria Antonia.